
USBC Identity Caucus Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in participating in an Identity Caucus (IC)!

The U.S. Breastfeeding Committee works to bring together diverse stakeholders to advance our collective work to create a landscape of breastfeeding support across the United States. Barriers to human milk feeding are prevalent, but the burden of those barriers is not carried equally. We all have a role to play in eliminating disparities in access to lactation-supportive policies, systems, and environments, but our individual identities impact how we experience inequities and the work we must do to address them. By connecting in identity caucuses, we can help make the First Food field even more effective.

IC's are safe spaces for those within a broad and diverse community to establish and nurture connections with people who have a shared identity. While we engage in this important work  to advance equity in the First Food field, it’s important to have a soft space to land, strategize, and learn alongside others with whom you share an identity. 

Please share some information about yourself, the ICs you are interested in, and whether you would consider helping lead an IC group. The USBC team will share your information with the relevant IC leaders as these groups come together so that they can invite you to connect. Please note that groups have not yet formed for all identities. 

Thank you,

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